What-Is-The-Hole-In-A-Barrel-Called-In-Vancouver-Canada Oak Wood Wine Barrels
July 22, 2024

What Is The Hole In A Barrel Called In Vancouver Canada?

In the world of barrels, even the smallest details come with their own unique terminology. If you're venturing into barrel furniture projects in Vancouver, knowing the lingo adds to the experience. So, let's talk about that mysterious hole in the side of a barrel...

The Answer: The Bunghole

Yes, you read that right! The hole in a barrel is called the bunghole. Its main functions were:

Filling & Emptying: This is where wine, whiskey, or other liquids were poured in and out.
Sampling: Master distillers use a special tool called a ""valinch"" or ""whiskey thief"" through the bunghole to extract samples for tasting.

The Bung: It's Not Just a Hole!

The bunghole isn't left as an open space. It's sealed with a stopper called a bung. Traditionally, bungs were made of wood, but modern ones might be silicone or other materials for a tighter fit.

Beyond the Basics

Let's dive a little deeper into barrel anatomy:

Staves: The individual curved pieces of wood that form the sides of the barrel.
Hoops: The metal bands that hold the staves together and give the barrel its iconic shape.
Head: The flat, circular pieces at the top and bottom of the barrel.

Vancouver Vibes: Barrel Projects

With Vancouver's creative energy, here are ways to work the bunghole into your DIY projects:

Planter Power: When using a half-barrel planter, strategically position the bunghole to become a drainage hole.
Wall Art: Incorporate an old barrel head with an intact bunghole into a rustic wall decor piece.
Cord Control: For electrical projects, drill around (not through!) the bunghole to neatly pass a cord.

A Word of Caution

Before repurposing a barrel, especially those that held strong spirits, do your research on safe cleaning methods. Residual vapors can be flammable!

Barrel Trivia Time

Bunghole Size: While important, the size of the bunghole doesn't significantly impact the aging process of what's inside.
""Bung-Full"": This old-timey term meant a barrel was completely full!

Seeking Barrels in Vancouver

Local Wineries: BC's growing wine scene means some wineries might have retired barrels for sale.
Breweries & Distilleries: Especially those that age spirits in smaller barrels.
Online Marketplaces: Sites like Facebook Marketplace often have local listings.

Share Your Vancouver Barrel Creations!

Did you give a barrel a new life in Vancouver? Did you creatively incorporate the bunghole into your design? We want to see it! Tag us on social media and use the hashtag #VancouverBungholeBrilliance

Interested in shopping for wine barrel furniture? You can browse our full collection of items ranging from coffee tables to home bar and game sets here!
