February 12, 2023

Why wine might cause allergies?

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While millions of individuals throughout the world enjoy a glass of wine now and then, some people have developed an allergy to it. Although wine allergies are less frequent than those to other foods, they still present a significant challenge for those who suffer from them. This post will discuss the potential wine allergy triggers and how to avoid them.

Histamines in Wine, For One
Wine, like many other foods and drinks, contains the chemical component known as histamine. They form as a normal byproduct of wine's aging process and also when wine is exposed to air or microorganisms. For some, histamines trigger an allergic reaction with classic signs like hives, itching, and a runny nose.

Secondly, Wine Contain Sulfites
To delay deterioration and oxidation, wine is fortified with sulfites. Furthermore, they are a byproduct of the winemaking process. Some people have an allergic reaction to sulfites, which manifests itself in hives, itching, and a runny nose. Those who are sensitive to sulfites may also experience an exacerbation of their asthma symptoms.

3.Allergies to Grapes
The primary component of wine is grapes, hence those who are allergic to grapes may also have an adverse reaction to alcohol. Itching, hives, and stomach pains are just some of the symptoms of a grape allergy. Anaphylaxis is a potentially fatal allergic reaction that can be triggered by a strong allergic reaction to grapes.

Added Allergens in Wine
Yeast, mold, and bacteria are just some of the allergies that can be found in wine. Some people are allergic to these substances and have symptoms like itching, hives, and abdominal cramping. Some people may also have an allergic reaction to wine because it contains spices and herbs.

In conclusion, some people may be allergic to wine because of the histamines, sulfites, grape allergies, and other allergens it contains. It's crucial to see a doctor if you think you have a wine allergy because these reactions can be very severe. Organic wines are typically lower in histamines and sulfites, making them a good option for those who suffer from wine allergies. As wines with higher alcohol content have a tendency to have higher levels of histamines and sulfites, you may also want to consider drinking wines with lower alcohol content. Wine drinkers, whether serious connoisseurs or casual imbibers, would do well to familiarize themselves with the common allergens found in wine and the measures that may be taken to prevent them.
Interested in shopping for wine barrel furniture? You can browse our full collection of items ranging from coffee tables to home bar and game sets here!
